Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More funnies

Bryan sometimes says to me sarcastically, "I bet you're going to put that thing I just said on your blog now." I think he secretly enjoys it. The one this morning was too good not to post.

Me (staring at the empty plate of brown crumbs on the table): Is a cupcake all you had for breakfast?

B: No. I had two cupcakes.


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

my friends do the same thing. they secretly want to be on the blog : )

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Good god, Bryan sounds like my husband. He looks at me like I have three heads when I ask him if cake is the only thing he's going to eat for breakfast!

Jess said...

Ha. Mm. Now I kind of want a cupcake.

laurwilk said...

Ha, I love it! I want some cupcakes, too.

Katie said...

My husband does the same thing to me! He won't admit it, but I think sometimes he says and does things hoping that I'll blog about it. Of course, I never blog about the things he WANTS me to write about!