Monday, December 17, 2007

There's no place like home (wherever that may be)

I never quite know what to say when people ask me where "home" is. My heart considers Portland to be home, while my address and physical presence consider Rochester to be home.

Either way, I'm not at home.

Where am I? Oh, well THANKS for asking, because I was just going to tell you! Currently, I'm sitting in Penn Station in NYC.

My intended route was a flight from Portland at 7:20am, with a 3:30pm connection in Newark, ending in Rochester (and back with my love) at 5:45pm. Mother Nature didn't like that plan.

Everything was fine when I left Newark. By the time I got to Newark, all flights out to Toronto, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Boston, Albany, Portland Maine, and probably others were cancelled. They rebooked me for:

TUESDAY (keep in mind it was 4pm on Sunday)

Bryan the wonder finance (insert superhero music here) got his brain a-thinkin'. Renting a car wasn't an option due to cost and weather conditions. He found a train ticket that left from the airport at 6am Monday. Not the best, but better than Tuesday. Then he found out that Greyhound had a bus leaving at 6pm. The catch was that I had to get a cab and go to the bus station (which is also the train station), because they don't reserve seats (huh?). So I go. Turns out that the people he spoke to on the phone were morons, because the bus had been canceled to western NY.

So now I'm in Newark's Penn Station. To say it was scary is an understatement. Rampant poverty and homelessness, beggars, and a confusing, overwhelming system of trains and buses that only a native understands. But I put on my cute "help-me-even-though-I'm-dirty-and-smelly" face, and the very kind woman at the train took pity on me and walked me through buying a ticket to get to NYC ("you don't want to stay here overnight honey - no way") where I would need to wait 13 hours to get the 7:15am Amtrak to Rochester (an $85 ticket). She was so kind in a time when I really needed someone to be nice to me, lest I break down in tears in the big scary city. She had me come back near the time my NYC train was to depart and walked me to the right "line" or "platform" or whatever it was I had to stand on to catch my train to

While sitting there a nice (yet scary-looking) African American man struck up a conversation with me, called me "mama," said that I was nuts to stay overnight in th NYC train station (a scary thought coming from him), and said I "looked like a woman with money....I know them braces ain't cheap." But he helped me get on the train, so I'll give him a thumbs up.

So now I sit at the NYC station (which is right at Madison Square if I wasn't so terrified to venture outside of the train station and get lost, plus it's cold). I'm 5 hours into my 13 hours. Thankfully they have internet (at 9.95, but totally worth it) to keep my occupied, and I bought some cheap headphones so I can watch some online T.V. I'm trying to stay under the radar because for some reason, even though I have a ticket and I'm in the special Amtrak area, you can only sit here for 2 hours. They have chased one sketchy looking guy out already, but I think as a descent (although yucky) looking woman, they will leave me alone.

What an adventure I would rather have not had! So overall I'm $105 and a day in the negative, but I should be home tomorrow afternoon (oh, it's today now!). Who knew that THIS would be my first time in NYC?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I heart Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is like a close piece of heaven. Okay, that is a little bit of exaggeration, but it is definitely my favorite place for an inexpensive, fun overnight getaway. It is like a smaller version of Vegas or any tacky tourist town, with it's Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not, wax museum, "house of horrors" and the like. But I love it because it's under 2 hours away and staying there is pretty cheap. Oh yeah, and the falls.

Last month (yep, I'm waaay behind), two friends and I met up in NF. One came from Pittsburgh and the other from Erie. We are friends from high school, and they hadn't seen each other since high school, and I had only seen them once or twice.

What a fun weekend we had! Seriously, we need to have girl's weekends more often! We just went overnight, but we managed to go to the spa and get facials, gamble a bit (I won $30!), go out dancing, and eat a 3 hour long buffet breakfast. It was such a blast catching up with them and talking about old friends and long-past high school days. We were out dancing until 1am I think (super late for Em and I, who might as well be old ladies now that neither of us are single), and then stayed up until 3am just chatting.
From Girls Weekend

Last weekend Bryan and I went to NF overnight just to get away from wedding planning, moving, and schoolwork. It was REALLY cold, but we had so much fun! We weren't so lucky with the gambling, but still only lost $20 between the two of us. Like the children that we are, we spent more time in the arcade. They have this fun mini-bowling game. I asked Bryan why he wasn't smiling in this picture, and he said "this is my focused bowling face." Hmm, funny to me that "focused" looks very similar to "deer caught in the headlights." He still hasn't figured out how the timer on my camera works, and it cracks me up.

We stood outside in the 28 degree weather to watch the fireworks over the falls. It was very cold, but neat. They also had the falls lit up and the entire strip had Christmas displays. The one below is my favorite.

From NF getaway No...

We went to the Hershey store and didn't buy anything since the prices were way higher there than at the grocery store. But we did get to take some tacky tourist photos there and at other locales.
From NF getaway No...

Tacky tourist photo #2
From NF getaway No...

Tacky tourist photo #3
From NF getaway No...

The shocker of the trip was going into Denny's for dinner, opening the menu, and finding out that no food item (including salads) was under $13! At Denny's! They had a special 3-course meal that was soup or salad, one of 3 entrees, and one of a few dessert choices. TGI Friday's (usually more expensive than Dennys) does this same thing for $12.99 sometimes. Guess how much it was at Denny's. $21.99. No joke! We ended up leaving and going to a lovely Italian place a few doors down. For $33 (including the 18% tax and tip) we got a yummy wood fired pizza, ceasar salad for 2, tiramisu, and drinks for both of us. A much better deal and much better food. To end the great overnight on a good note, we went to not one but TWO outlet malls and we sailed through the border crossing. Now that's my idea of a great getaway!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Fall Foliage

The view from my office window today.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Let it snow?

Today, November 7th, I saw the first snow. Winter is officially here. I'm not ready for it, but I know it comes with the territory.

I am so behind in blogging, so here is my attempt at catching up and bringing everyone up to speed.

October 26-28 my parents came for a quick whirlwind trip.

Saturday we went to the Corning Museum of Glass, which I highly recommend!
From Oct 2007

I think this was my favorite piece. This dress is made entirely of glass. I can only imagine how heavy it is.
From Oct 2007

This wall was beautiful, but unfortunately doesn't photograph well.
From Oct 2007

Sunday my parents helped with house projects, and then we went to Ollie's Bargain Outlet (yes, my parents junk shop on vacation!) and then to dinner at Sherri's. The proposal happened after that, so my parents got to sort of be around when it happened (they weren't at my house, but I got to tell them about it in person). It was great to have them here, even if it was such a short time and I put them to work!

The weekend before that was a beautiful 80 degrees, so Bryan got to pick apples for the first time EVER! Shorts in mid-October is so strange, but it was so nice to enjoy the sun. We also picked fall raspberries. We're definitely going to miss the fruit farm so close to our house.
From Oct 2007

Finally there is happy house news. We've passed the inspection phase, after much arguing back and forth, and the bank appraised the house just fine. As long as her mortgage goes through, we'll be moving in about a month! Waahoo! Now we're apartment hunting. Man is there a lot of crap out there!

Braces are on my mind, since I just went for an appointment today. I'm now all rubber banded up, but my ortho is thrilled with my progress. He made such a fuss about it that all of the assistants had to come over and see my "before" pictures. He thinks I'll be done in time for the wedding...a full 7-12 months ahead of schedule! Yes!

Wedding plans are in the beginning stages, and we're actually both enjoying figuring out what we want to do. Plans for now are a small ceremony in Vegas in May, and a "reception" in Portland in June. Thanks for all of the happy comments from everyone. We are both so excited!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Carving on a deadline

This weekend, my parents came to visit. Sunday night, we went to dinner at Sherri's, while Bryan stayed at home to "finish up a paper for school." I came home to mysterious darkness to find this:

From Engagement

From Engagement

Now, THIS is how much he loves me: our farm-picked pumpkin molded in the 80 degree weather we had mid-last week, so he had to go buy a new pumpkin. It was Sunday before Halloween, so all of the THREE stores he went to were out of pumpkin carving knives. With only about 3 hours to accomplish everything before I came home, he carved this with a kitchen knife! Have you ever carved a pumpkin with a kitchen knife? It is very difficult. Hence his oh-so-cute, (but totally unnecessary) explaination of "I really wanted it to say 'Will you marry me,' but I couldn't do that with a kitchen knife, so I hope this is creative enough." Yes, baby, it's creative enough.

Of course I said Yes!

I'm now the luckiest girl in the world, and I'm wearing this, which has so much significance to me it's a bit overwhelming, in the best way possible.

From Engagement

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What can $2 getcha?

Well, in Rochester, it gets you a pretty fun date night with some second run movies. Last week we saw this:

A friend said that I HAD to see it because it was great, and he was right. I was reluctant because I loathe Michael Moore, but this was an eye-opening look at the US healthcare system. While I knew our system was terrible, I didn't know quite how terrible it is. The movie left me feeling ashamed of being American and we left with comments of "when should we move to Canada or France?" I highly recommend this movie.

Last night we had a "boy" date night to do a little cheering up after a rough week. We had some yummy sushi (for him) and tempura shrimp and veggies (for me). Then we went to see this:

This was a movie that garnered the quote "That was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Sort of like a modern Princess Bride." I should note that I did not utter said quote, but it was an interesting and enjoyable movie. It had many plotlines that all eventually converged, and had many pieces of humor laced throughout. The concept of a star fallen from sky represented by Claire Danes was akin to Alanis Morisette playing God in Dogma, but an interesting premise nonetheless. It was a unique movie, and one we both enjoyed. For $2, it doesn't take much to entertain me!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The boyfriend and I went to Toronto last weekend, so I figure it deserves some pictoral updates and some witty (or, let's face it, not witty at all) banter.

Upon our arrival in Toronto after a lengthy travel time (45 minutes at the border crossing and 15 minutes figuring out how to get into our hotel), we changed and got ready for dinner at the top of the CN Tower, which is the world's tallest tower. The restaurant makes a full rotation every 72 minutes. It was neat because we had an early dinner (5:45), so we got to see everything in daylight and at night. But first, the scrumptiously painful (i.e. too much) menu for the evening.

Quebec ash rolled goat’s cheese, cracked olive crostini, tarragon crème fraiche
From Toronto Oct 2007

Main Course
Creamer potatoes, coriander sprouts, toasted pumpkin seeds, warm green tomato vinaigrette
From Toronto Oct 2007

Grilled asparagus, morel mushroom cream
From Toronto Oct 2007

Cinnamon crème Anglaise, vanilla ice cream
From Toronto Oct 2007

Raspberry vanilla crème Anglaise
From Toronto Oct 2007

Although it was quite the splurge for us, we had an amazing time and the food was delicious. A few shots from the tower.

Lake view:
From Toronto Oct 2007

From Toronto Oct 2007

The city of Toronto:
From Toronto Oct 2007

Us at dinner. We scored a table right next to the window!
From Toronto Oct 2007

If you look closely, you can see that this is the view below (to the street) from the glass floor in the tower. It was so scary to stand on, even though it is entirely mental!
From Toronto Oct 2007

The view from our hotel room:
From Toronto Oct 2007

On Saturday we walked alllllll around, for a solid 8 hours, mostly in Chinatown. It was great to be back in a city with some ethnic foods. For dinner we decided to go to a sushi-go-round, which we miss immensely from Portland. This place sounded so cool too...the go-round part was boats that were actually in water. Well, it turns out that the sushi was very expensive, and the soba with chicken that I got was so gross that I barely ate any of it. So we paid $31 for nothing, and walked to this great Irish Pub and had a great time while watching some baseball, hearing some nice live music, having some fantastic drinks, and getting dinner #2 (putine, which is a Canadian thing...basically fries with gravy. Sounds nasty, but it was really good). We were seated in this raised section and had it all to ourselves for the 3ish hours we were there.
From Toronto Oct 2007

We did a little shopping while we were there, but with the weak value of the dollar, we couldn't afford much of anything! Of course we did stop at Ikea and get a few little trinkets, including my favorite new striped apron. We also got some fun new stuff at Lush, including a blueberry mask and some shampoo that is in a bar form.

At some point during the weekend I was telling Bryan how he just isn't the type of guy to buy me flowers. It's totally fine, and he shows me he loves me a million other ways then buying me something that is going to die. I came home Tuesday after running some errands, and he said "come here, I have a surprise for you." He had hidden (in my closet, which I still think is really funny), these pretty pansies.
From Toronto Oct 2007

You can't tell from this picture, but this is a big heavy planter full of them. I guess I made him feel bad, so he went out and bought me flowers. Too cute! I think they will dress up the house nicely for the upcoming upon house.

For more pictures, click here

More next week after the Niagara Falls trip.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

This Old House

The lack of blogs lately is just a result of little worth blogging about. I know you all are waiting on the edge of your seat to hear about doing laundry, washing dishes, grocery shopping, and the like (dripping with sarcasm).

This weekend my fabulous other half helped me with the many house projects that befall us here, some so laden with ironicness (is that a word?) that we just have to laugh. While we were outside hanging the new side door light, Krista, dripping from the shower, appears holding a mysterious object saying "This fell out while I was in the shower." It turns out the object was the built in ceramic 1962 soap dish from her shower. It just randomly gave way and fell out. Back to Lowe's for the second time, where some fantastic men (one a shopper himself) talked us through how to reinstall it (plaster of paris and 100% silicone caulking). Lowe's is head and shoulders above Home Depot. So this weekend "we" (and by "we" I mean Bryan while I supervised and generally got in the way, unless I was being helpful and holding the flashlight):
- Put up a new outside light
- Re-installed the soap dish
- Mastered the rented carpet cleaner and cleaned the carpets and rugs
- Replaced 2 bulb fixtures that were broken in the attic and basement
- Tried to put new rails on a drawer (but we need one more Lowe's trip for a bracket)

We celebrated all of the successful projects with a yummy dinner at Dinosaur Barbecue. Just to sum up the house horrors, we also found out last week that the furnace has a crack in it and we need AN ENTIRELY NEW FURNACE. Please pray that this house sells quickly before more things break. It went back on the market with a new realtor on Friday.

On the up side, we did do some fun things this weekend. Friday night we did the Light the Night walk to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Bryan's best friend had non-hodgkins lymphoma in his early 20's (and is now doing well), and it's always nice to support causes that resonate personally. It's neat because it is done at night and everyone gets a lighted balloon. This is a horrible picture, but shows a couple of the lights in the dark.
From Sept 2007

From Sept 2007

Saturday Bryan, Krista and I went to the Hilton Apple Fest. Admittedly it was a bit disappointing as there were few apple things there. It was very odd! But they DID have Kelly's non-pasturized apple cider, which is just heavenly. Even better, it comes in these really cute little sippy things.
From Sept 2007

But despite the non-appleness of the Apple Fest, the weather was beautiful and it was nice to get out and wander and eat yummy fair food. Next weekend we're off to Toronto, so I'm sure I'll at least have some fun pictures from that.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The excitement of normalicy

This weekend we had the house to ourselves and just enjoyed having our first mellow, low-key weekend in a long time. Very few discussions about where we are going to spend the next 8 months, and instead we focused on spending some fun time together. "Fun" to us even involves chores like grocery shopping.

Friday night we went to some friend's house who have.....CABLE! We are in the rapidly shrinking group of people that still use *gasp* an antenna. Cable is just too pricey for us right now, and with how busy we are we don't need the distraction. Five fuzzy stations, the internet, and Netflix provide us with plenty of entertainment. But MY OH MY how we love cable. Our friends DVR stuff for us, and every other Friday or so we hang out, eat pizza and beer, and watch 4+ hours of TV in amongst lots of chatting with our friends. We love it!

Saturday we went to our favorite local diner for breakfast, did a bunch of chores, and watched some episodes of Six Feet Under, the current Netflix series we are watching. A super mellow fall day. The weather is getting colder here, but I'm avoiding turning the heat on quite yet since by next weekend the high is 83.

Sunday...oh how we love Sundays during football season! We "studied" (Bryan for nursing, me for the eval class I'm teaching) while watching the games (and I mowed the lawn). My lone trip out of the house was to get pizza (shh, don't tell that we had pizza twice this weekend!).

October is shaping up to be a fantastically busy, fantastically fun month. The first weekend is fall break for UR (meaning no school Monday), so we are going to spend the weekend in Toronto. Thanks to the wonder of the internet, we got a 4.5 star luxury hotel in an excellent location for $99 a night! We are so excited to have a get-away weekend and to explore Toronto before it gets cold. The biggest dilemma is if we should cough up the $100 a ticket to see Cirque du Soleil while we are there. With our current financial shortage we'll probably pass, but it sure is tempting since it is the last weekend they will be there. Bryan has hinted that our weekend might have a special *surprise* associated with it, but we'll see ;)

The second weekend will be a trip to Niagara Falls with 2 friends from high school. One lives in Pittsburgh and one lives in Erie, so we're meeting in NF for a girl's weekend. It will be great to see them both and catch up. We haven't ever been together as over 21, so it should be a fun time!

The last weekend my parents come. Yipee! It's so hard to be so far from them, and I'm so excited for their visit. I think I'll take them to Niagara-on-the-lake for wine tasting one day, and maybe the Corning Museum of Glass for the second. We'll see! It is going to be a great month with lots of trips. October is nice here - the time when the air is crisp and the leaves are changing colors, but no humidity and no snow. I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy it before the long cold winter sets in. It always seems to come so quickly!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The end of summer

Labor Day weekend is always sad because it is the unofficial marker of the end of summer. Here is Rochester, it is more the beginning of the wild swings in weather. Yesterday was overcast and a bit chilly, the first day all summer (minus the gym) that I wore shoes and socks. Today was 91 and humid.

To celebrate Labor Day weekend, we went wine tasting with some friends in the finger lakes. The weather was beautiful, and we had a great time. I think we ended up going to 6-7 wineries, but the hands-down winner for everyone was the organic winery.

The gang...Bryan, me, Kim, Anthony, Kristina, Nick
From Wine tasting ...

A winery/meadery
From Wine tasting ...

Bryan at Belhurst winery, Seneca Lake in the background
From Wine tasting ...

Our loot...the apple one is for our apple themed supper club on Saturday
From Wine tasting ...

Now it's back to school for Bryan and Krista, and working for me as usual. I'm also going to be co-teaching program evaluation at UR to grad students on Mondays this term, and I'm super excited about that. It's nice to have some thought-provoking evaluation discussions now and then. I think Bryan doesn't appreciate me saying "Please, before you go to bed, let's discuss the merits of RCTs as the gold standard" (and yes, I did that last night, and he was a good sport and played along).

I'm not sure of the last update here, but the condo is back on, hopefully to close late this month. No one seems to be able to do their job, so no one will commit to a firm closing date. The house didn't sell and officially went off the market on the 4th. I learned a lot of lessons in that process, but won't elaborate too fully since I don't know who all reads this thing. We hopefully have a renter lined up though (I'm still waiting for her check to arrive). We'll reassess what we want to do in the spring.

Monday, September 03, 2007

"That's hot"

Yes, my friends, "hot" barely begins to define S. Florida in late August. It is a kind of heat I can't even fathom, which lies right up there in "things I don't understand" with swimming in the ocean. The idea of the ocean being 89 just doesn't compute to me. My brain's dictionary definition of "ocean" is: "thing that is too cold to get in, even in the summer, even just your pinky toe."

Our trip to Florida may have been unbearable hot for my tastes, but it was a beautiful slice of respite that Bryan and I so desperately needed. His mom spoiled us rotten with a trip to the spa, shopping, 3 days in Venice (gulf coast), wonderful food, and just an all-around good time.

While we were in Venice, we got to see some beautiful sunsets.
From Florida 2007

From Florida 2007

From Florida 2007

Venice is known for it's shark teeth. I sadly didn't find one, but Bryan and his mom found a few. His mom (on the left in the pic) also invite along a very nice friend of hers from work, Lynn, and we all had a great time. Especially at the bar watching some crazy 40-year-olds dance. I don't know what age it is when people lose the ability to be embarrassed, but everyone there clearly was passed it, to the great amusement of me!
From Florida 2007

A fabulous dessert I had our last night there.
From Florida 2007

Despite religious application of SPF 45, I still got a tan! Much to the amusement of Bryan, we discovered that when I am exposed to the sun, I get freckles. Huge, ugly ones! But at least I got somewhat of a "tan" (whatever that means when you start out a zero on the tan scale!) and my hair is quite a few shades lighter. Although I like the warm oceans and the sun, but I'll pass on the heat and humidity! I think I'm a northern girl at heart :)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Letchwork State Park

This weekend marks the end of Bryan's two glorious weeks off from school. Last week we went to Florida (blog about that to be done soon). This week has been lots of lounging around and just taking it easy.

Today was a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny, so I decided to take Bryan to Letchworth State Park, about an hour drive from here. We hiked around, ate lunch, saw some beautiful scenery, and just had an all-around good day (which started with breakfast at Ezzy's, our favorite neighborhood diner).

From Letchworth

From Letchworth

From Letchworth

From Letchworth

It was late by the time we got home (about 9pm). Ladies, feast your eyes on what happened next.
From Letchworth

Yes, this is my beloved voluntarily cleaning out the fridge (wiping it down, the whole 9 yards!). He just "wanted to do it, and I'll mop the floors too." I did not ask him to do this, nor did I even mention that these chores needed to be done. I bet you're all sad that he's already taken! :)