Friday, October 24, 2008

As heard in the kitchen just now

For future reference, I like my meals to have two steps:

1 - microwave
2 - eat

Like this chai, that was perfect:

1- add water
2- drink

Ahh the simplicity of being a man.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Why we work

- We both squeeze the toothpaste from the middle
- We both hate crowds and agree that 10pm is the BEST time to grocery shop
- We both consider a bowl of cereal a perfectly appropriate dinner
- We both value "doing and seeing" over "stuff" (which is why we rent)
- We both know the power of "I'm sorry"
- We both agree that every meal should end with at least a little bit of chocolate
- We both are okay with a little clutter
- We both find kittens to be a hilarious source of entertainment
- We both agree that spending a bit more and shopping at Whole Foods is worth it emotionally, nutritionally, and consciously