Saturday, April 05, 2008

Sweet nothings at the car dealership

As we get to the dealership:
Him (getting out of the car): "I nominate you as our spokesperson, you're better at being bitchy."

Me: "Thanks for the insult."

Him: "That wasn't an insult, you're just better at being bitchy to car people."

Me: "Um, sure, that still sounds like an insult."

Him: "No way, and if my mom were here, I'd totally pick her over you because she's way better than you at being bitchy."

Trumped by the MIL once again. I think I'll let her win this one!

As we are walking back to the car at the dealership:
Him: "Is your knee still hurting from running outside? You're limping a little bit still."

Me: "Yes"

Him: "It's a good thing you aren't a horse, because with your hurt knee and sore hips I'd have to put you down."

Ah, the sweet words of someone who loves me. ;)


Anonymous said...

This made me giggle. I wish I had some funny conversations to share!

Unknown said...

Dude sounds like a jackass. You should totally dump him :)