Okay, this is quite after the fact, but better late than never! Early December I went to Florida to finally meet Bryan's parents and see his home turf. We started off on a 4 day cruise, which was full of gluttony, but 10lbs later (7 of which are gone now) I had a great time. Here are just a few pictures. More in later days as time or boredom allows.

These have to be the coolest trees I have ever seen. They are banyan trees. According to the tour guide, one tree can eventually spread to cover four acres! It drops roots from the branches, and the tree behind us is just one tree. Amazing! This one is in Key West.

Dinner the final night, near Bryan's parents house. It's dark, but the restaurant is on some body of water (sorry, I have no idea if it was the ocean or a lake!). It was a seafood place, and the food was so yummy (even though I had pork).

Us on formal night on the cruise. Doesn't he look handsome in his "designer" suit? :) It's always fun to get dressed up.

Me enjoying a sip of Bryan's margarita in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico after taking a dip in the ocean. I still think it's so strange to swim in the ocean, since the Oregon ocean is 50 on a good day. Mexico was fun, but man the constant harassing of the shop owners gets old very quickly. NO, I don't want your ugly silver that is going to turn my skin green, nor do I want any pot.

View from the marina near where Bryan's parents used to live. Can you imagine having this within walking distance of your house?? This water was FULL of beautiful fish, and even two sting rays that we saw! There are also tons of pelicans, which I had never seen in person before. So cool!
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