Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The name dilemma
Unless you live under a rock, you know that I'm getting married next week (NEXT WEEK!!!).
I'm debating with to do with my name when I get married. Bryan is fine with me keeping my name or taking his, although last week when I said I was keeping my own, he wanted to know why and said it made him sad. I really was just testing him out though, and I found out that he would really like it if I changed it.
So here's the debate. Many women I know have turned their maiden name into their middle name. My best friend didn't, but "only because I hated my maiden name."
My current name: Tia Lorraine Neely
Fiance's last name: Kauffman
Should I be: Tia Lorraine Kauffman or Tia Neely Kauffman
For the record, I hate dual last names or hyphenating, so there will be no Neely-Kauffman going on. If I keep Neely, it will be strictly my middle name, and I won't walk around like Catherine Zeta Jones telling everyone to call me by 3 names.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Too true
Bryan is standing in the dining room eating a grapefruit, pouting because he just spilled grapefruit juice on his shirt.
Tia: "So I'm supposed to feel bad for you because you're surprised that when you stand up, right next to the table, and eat a grapefruit you get grapefruit juice on your shirt?"
Bryan: "You're supposed to empathize not because you think we [men] are less smart, but because we are less smart."
Ah yes, he's a keeper :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
By the numbers
3 - more pounds I would like to lose
4 - new pairs of shorts purchased for upcoming cruise (2 for each of us)
9 - days until the braces come off
10 - number of glorious days of vacation coming up soon
16 - days until we get married
17 - days until we go on the cruise
70 - amount spent on wedding dress
78 - amount spent on new 2 piece bathing suit for the cruise
500 - discount Nissan is offering new grads (Versa?)
1,000 - discount Toyota is offering new grads (Prius?)
2,713 - miles we have to drive to get back to Portland in 6 weeks
Monday, April 21, 2008
Here's what we've learned so far - we like carbs and sugar. They make us happy. When we don't have them, we spend 99.99% of our time together talking about carbs and sugar and how much we miss them. Last night on our way home from the outlet mall, we were discussing that we could not bear to eat yet another meal of eggs and meat. So we thought we'd stop at the grocery store and see how we could spice things up. The parking lot had 5,347,856 cars, and we DO NOT do crowded grocery stores.
Nearby was food heaven/hell row (depending on your outlook). Pizza Hut, Arby's, Wendy's, McDonalds. Bryan drove into the Wendy's parking lot so we could think about what to do. We sat there, like 2 drug addicts trying to score their next fix, debating what to do. In the end, we ate at Wendy's...after driving out, then making a u-turn at the bank to come back! Some genius at Wendy's headquarters decided to put the nutritional info of everyone on the menu posted right inside the door. That allowed us to make better choices, which we felt good about (and about the few carbs we were able to get....YUM! Bryan immediately wanted something with a bun, I wanted something with SUGAR). I allowed myself the child's size frosty (which is about the size of a thimble) and then PUT IT DOWN WITH HALF OF IT STILL LEFT. I know, I almost hurt my arm patting myself on the back.
The update is, me down 1 pound, Bryan down 3 pounds. I have decided that this miserable "diet" isn't worth 1 pound in 4 days. I think Bryan has slightly given in too, since he had a tuna melt for lunch. However, we can definitely continue some of the long-term positive changes we've made: more fruits and veggies, no more white carbs, avoiding carbs at every single meal, fewer desserts, no more fruit juices or non-diet soda. We go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and the other days we try and do something active. All in preparation for the gluttony of the cruise :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thanks for saying hi!
Jenn - Nice to meet you. I'm now a regular reader of your blog too. I'm still wishing I was in Chicago for that Cupcake Crawl, whenever it happens. I'll be passing through around May 30th on my way to Portland, but that's as close as I'll get.
Tanya - I've heard a lot about you. It's funny to me that I think all of Bryan's "significant" exes read my blog! Sorry that it looks like we won't get to connect while we're out east. Time just flew by. I hear you're quite the talented pianist. My ex graduated from Eastman in Piano Performance, so I know all about how much work goes into being a pianist! If you're ever out west for a gig we'd be happy to show you around.
I know there are others of you out there! Fess up, and make a new blog friend today :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Food porn (or Rachel Ray you are not)
So a couple of weeks ago Bryan and Krista were engaging in some food porn Rachel Ray style. I guess that day she was making Cubano Hash. The next day, they decided that they wanted to make it. Now it was maybe 11am, and NO preparation had been made to create this. Here is the recipe as Rachel Ray made it.
3/4 pound ground pork
3/4 pound, packaged chorizo, peeled and chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/3 palm full
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1/2 bottle beer
4 Portuguese rolls or 2 sandwich sized English muffins, split and toasted
4 deli-cut slices Swiss cheese
4 dill pickles, chopped
2 tablespoons yellow mustard
2 tablespoons butter
4 large eggs
So as they read the recipe together, this is how it listening in hysterical laughter as this unfolded:
olive oil
- K: "We have that"
ground pork
- T: "We don't have that. All we have is frozen pork pieces"
- B: "That will be fine!"
- K: "We don't have chorizo, but I have some sausages and some strange hot sauce from Costa Rica, so that will be perfect."
Medium onion
- B: "We don't have a fresh onion, but we have frozen chopped onion with celery and red pepper in it. That should be fine."
3 cloves garlic
-K: "I have some in a jar, that will be fine."
Ground cumin
-T: "Yes, we have that in the cupboard"
Ground allspice
-K: "What's allspice?"
-B: "Beat's me!"
-T: "I think it's in the same family as cinnamon and nutmeg, but we don't have any."
-K: "Ooh, but we do have cinnamon and nutmeg. Good enough!"
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Yes, we have salt and pepper
2 tablespoons tomato paste
-K: "I don't have any."
-B: "Neither do we, let's just use ketchup."
1/2 bottle beer
-B: "Oh, I have one beer left! How's a pale ale?"
4 Portuguese rolls or 2 sandwich sized English muffins
-B: "We've got wheat bread, how's that?"
4 deli-cut slices Swiss cheese
-T: "I just bought some swiss cheese yesterday, lucky for you guys. This might be the only thing you'll actually do right!"
Dill pickles
-B: "I think there is a jar in the fridge that isn't too old."
Yellow mustard
-K: "We don't have yellow mustard."
-B: "I have some brown mustard. Brown isn't that far from yellow, right?"
-Margarine will have to do.
Large eggs
-B: "I think we just have 4 eggs left."
And yes, after this discussion where they had less than half of what they needed, they decided to forge ahead. If only I could explain the HORRIBLE smell this recipe made. It looked even worse (I wish I had pictures). But the verdict from the college kids....................
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Here's the rest of the menu:
Made To Order Belgium Waffle Station with Fruit Toppings
Carving Station - Roast Beef, Lamb, Pork & Salmon
Create Your Own Omelet Station
Mario's Wheel-Homemade Fettuccine tossed in a Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Wheel
Grilled Chicken with Mushroom Sauce
Seasonal Vegetables
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Tortellini Alfredo
Ricotta Stuffed Shells with Marinara
Eggs Benedicto
Bacon and Sausage
20 Italian Antipasti-Caprese, Marinated mussels, Calamari Salad, Balsamic
Grilled Vegetables,
Grilled Mushrooms and Many More
Fresh Cut Fruit Display
Croissants, Danish, Bagels and Muffins
Lavish Array of Cakes, Tortes, Pastries and Cookies
Regular and Decaffeinated Coffee
Fruit Juices
Champagne Mimosas
Yep, tons of food. Some was a bit bizarre to be eating for out first meal of the day, but most of it was good. For the price ($50 for the 2 of us), we expected a bit more, but since it was free, we were more than happy :)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Enjoying the sun, not enjoying the aftermath!
So the problem is, we didn't quite recognize that our fairly regular trips to the gym DID NOT mean that we were in shape to ride our cheap-o Huffy bikes. We rode about 10 miles, which is short in the realm of bike rides, but our bodies later told us we might have ridden 100 miles. We both had trouble walking for a couple of days after!
In typical us fashion, while we were wandering around the village we just had to read the menus of the cute little restaurants along the canal. So instead of having ice cream we ended up having linner (lunch/dinner) at Aladdin's Natural Eatery, a little greek restaurant. The food was decent, and probably much better for us in the long run than Ben and Jerry's.
Us in our "geek hats" at the canal. Bryan HATES wearing a helmet, but when I assure him he only has to wear it because I love him and don't want him to get hurt, he gives in. Literally everyone I know that rides has been in an accident, and one person even cracked her helmet in half.
Although we were so tired and sore, it was so much fun hanging out together, outside, for a few hours. The bikes were sold today on Craigslist, so that will be the last ride for quite awhile.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
The Story of Us
A fellow blogger Emily invited people to steal this and fill it that's what I'm doing! I thought it was a good time, since we're down to just a month before the big day.
Q&A on Bryan and Tia
How long have you been together? Dating 2 years and 2 months, engaged for 5 months, to be married in a month (!)
How long did you date? A year and 8 months or so before we got engaged. I guess he figured that this time he'd better really think about it before he gave a girl a ring to make sure I was truly "the one."
How old is he? 31 (although if you asked him he'd say 29, I think he's only gotten more comfortable in his own skin and more handsome in the 2 years I've known him, so I'm telling the truth :)
How old is she? 26, and there will be the 5 year gap when we officially tie the knot.
Who eats more? Definitely Bryan, although I eat more often than he does.
Who said “I love you” first? He did, although I can guarantee you he doesn't remember it. I remember him kissing me and saying "things are about to get really complicated." I thought he was talking about me moving across the country, but then he followed it up with "because I love you." Aww.
Who is taller? He is, by about 6 inches...just perfect.
Who sings better? I really have no idea, since all we ever sing to is the radio, and neither one of us is that good at it.
Who is smarter? Hmm, I'd say him, but I'm curious to know if he'd say me. Okay, I asked him and he said he'd probably best me on the SAT's (he did), but I've made much smarter life decisions and I've been very successful my career. I do know that Bryan totally blows me out of the water when it comes to math...he is awesome at math, and I frequently refer to him as my walking calculator.
Who does the laundry? We both do, depending on who has more free time. But neither one of us irons, ever.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? (Looking at the bed, from the foot of it) I do.
Who pays the bills? Right now we pay our own bills, and I pay all of the mutual bills like rent and electricity (oh, but he pays for food). We're still trying to figure out the best way to do it when we get married. I do most of the shopping, but he's the one who manages his checkbook to the penny. Me...I'm feeling really good if I'm within $100 of what I think I have in my account.
Who cooks dinner? We both do. I definitely am more adventurous, but I can count on him for spaghetti, tacos, or anything fairly easy to make. I for sure am the baker of the two of us. I love to bake.
Who is more stubborn? Me, definitely me. But he’s no picnic. (ditto to Emily)
Who kissed who first? He kissed me, although I have given him grief since the day it happened because he doesn't remember it. It was his birthday, and I had promised him he'd get his first kiss on the day we had planned together (yep, I'm a bit of a prude and made him wait a bit for a kiss). We went hiking (where he says it didn't!), then to dinner, and while we were standing in line at the movies (Walk the Line), he said "thanks for dinner, it was wonderful" and as I turned to acknowledge him he kissed me. It was just a peck, but there was a better one at the end of the night ;)
Who asked who out? In the modern society of today, you could debate who asked who. I posted the ad on Craigslist, and he responded. We emailed back and forth for a few weeks due to busy schedules, then met up one Saturday for an all-afternoon date. It was SO much fun and I was hooked right then. He says had we been in Portland, the proposal would have re-created that first date (meeting at Powell's books, lunch at a vegetarian Chinese place, old school video games at Ground Kontrol, and cupcakes at Saint Cupcake). How cute!
Who proposed? He did. It was a moment that was totally unexpected, although the proposal itself wasn't. I'd really been expecting it a few weeks earlier on a trip to Toronto, but he says there wasn't ever a right time (and I agree). My parents were visiting, and we went to dinner at a friend's house. Bryan stayed behind because he "had to study." Turns out, what he had to do was drive to the store, buy a pumpkin, drive to 3 stores to find a carving kit (and come up empty handed), carve the pumpkin with a steak knife, and clean everything up before I got home. I got home, ran to the bathroom with a horribly upset stomach, slightly ruining his romantic plan! When I came out of the bathroom I thought it was weird that I couldn't find him, and when I opened our bedroom door there he was, on one knee, in the dark, with the lit pumpkin behind him. I think he said "will you marry me." Now, in hindsight, I wish I would have turned on the light so I could actually see him! He says I waited a bit to say yes, which made him nervous (I was too busy admiring the pumpkin, which was such a cute idea).
Monday, April 07, 2008
Combination of 2 great things!
But then, I realize we're back late on May 17th. So I quickly flip through the music schedule...sure, what are the chances she would play on the one day we could make it? YES, 100% :) So not only can we make the festival our last year here in the snowy tundra, but we can hear Ingrid close out the festival, FOR FREE! WAAHOO!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Any opinions

I've been to TONS of dealerships, and they have always stayed after, no questions asked. No, we didn't know they closed at 5, but come on! We could have had a short test drive and been out of there by 5. This guy was such a jerk that we just walked away. Looks like no Scion xD in our future.
So have any of you owned any of these cars, or know anyone who does? Any thoughts or opinions? Both the Fit and the Versa are recommended best picks by Consumer Reports, and both get fairly equal gas mileage.
Sweet nothings at the car dealership
Him (getting out of the car): "I nominate you as our spokesperson, you're better at being bitchy."
Me: "Thanks for the insult."
Him: "That wasn't an insult, you're just better at being bitchy to car people."
Me: "Um, sure, that still sounds like an insult."
Him: "No way, and if my mom were here, I'd totally pick her over you because she's way better than you at being bitchy."
Trumped by the MIL once again. I think I'll let her win this one!
As we are walking back to the car at the dealership:
Him: "Is your knee still hurting from running outside? You're limping a little bit still."
Me: "Yes"
Him: "It's a good thing you aren't a horse, because with your hurt knee and sore hips I'd have to put you down."
Ah, the sweet words of someone who loves me. ;)
Friday, April 04, 2008
Stop in, say hello
Maybe, just maybe, if I know that some of you actually read this silly blog, I'll be more motivated to post regularly.